A Celebration service honoring the life of the late Revell Dewan "Velly Vell" Andrews was held in the Chapel of Charbonnet Labat Glapion Funeral Home. Revell, despite being a stellar student and child, was fatally shot, after attending summer theater camp, by a 14-year-old he didn't know.
An up-and-coming musician and straight-A student who had recently graduated from McDonogh 35 Senior High School, Andrews planned to attend Southern University in Baton Rouge starting in the fall.
"Katy Reckdahl, a local journalist and family friend who often let Revell stay in her home when his dad was on tour, lamented a boy seen regularly by neighbors stealing cars and toting a gun was on the streets the day he allegedly killed Revell.
"Who allowed him to just roam around?" said Reckdahl, who began hearing of the boy's exploits soon after the NOPD released his picture. "Whoever didn't say anything, whoever didn't stop him, they also should be responsible."
Reckdahl said Revell's slaying represents a systemic failure, but she made no excuses for his accused killer's actions."-- NOLA.com